Vertex PVC Deck and Fence Builder

Enjoy Life Outdoors!

Vertex Construction and Nextwood certified PVC Fence and PVC Deck builders:

  1. Vertex Construction together with Nextwood, trained and certified PVC fence and PVC deck builders.
  2. Certified builders are manufacturer trained on installation of nextwood products
  3. Certified builders are credit checked
  4. Nextwood and Vertex Construction guarantee the safety of clients deposit as well as project completion by certified builders
  5. Nextwood and Vertex Construction guarantee the project completion if anything happened to the certified builders without more cost than originally quoted

As your local, professional PVC fence and PVC deck builders, they are passionate about what they do and committed to delivering the best service and value in a quality PVC Fence or PVC Deck for you to enjoy for years to come. It is our local certified builder’s commitment to build your PVC Fence or PVC Deck – on time & budget!

Specifically Vertex Fence can help in various ways if you need your fence built:

If you are a contractor, we can supply and install your PVC Fence project on subcontract basis:

– You signed up a PVC Fence project but do not have time to do it, we can send our certified PVC Fence builder to do it for you in reasonable subcontract charge so it is win-win for all.

– This must be a Supply and Install subcontract. We do not take Installation only subcontract. Nextwood PVC Fence is the top quality material on the market with unbeatable manufacturer warranty and we only install this brand as subcontractor.

If you are a home owner, we can supply and install your PVC Fence project on all inclusive or subcontract basis:

All inclusive (full service as you will get from any Fence contractor)

Subcontract basis (you will save a lot upfront but you have to sacrifice some future services if ever needed)
